Mushroom of oriental origin called shiitake is used to boost immune system. It contains specific substances which help to recuperate in case of chronic fatigue, besides this they destroy practically any viral microflora, inhibit and restrict development of cancerous growths, boost physical strength and sexual drive.
Grains and legumes
For a wonder, waste products in manufacture of wheat flour (mill offals) are healthy for immunity. Mill offals contains complex of vitamins B1,В2, В6, PP and micro- and macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, cuprum, selenium, chrome. Wheat mill offals help to lose weight by suppressing appetite.
Most healthy for the immunity are grains of buckwheat and oatmeal as they are rich in healthy elements. It is recommended 1 – 2 times a week to prepare foods with legumes: pea, bean, lentil as they give to your body native protein.
Fermented milk products
Kefir and yogurt deliver into stomach healthy microorganisms and help to maintain microflora healthy. Stomach itself is immune organ and it makes a contribution in common body strength. However, remember that healthy are only fresh products containing fresh microorganisms. Buy products with live bifidobacterium and lactic bacteria and pay less attention on brand name.