
Monday, September 29, 2014

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is a conditioned suffered by millions of men and while remedy is readily available the vast majority does little to nothing about it. In some cases it could be laziness but in most it’s simply a lack of education; when you don’t know or understand something the simplest thing in the world can be akin to trying to understand the most complicated aspects of human thought. Even so, while many men remain in the dark increasingly many more are coming into the light so to speak and doing something about their low testosterone problem; after all, it is a condition no man has to live with and once remedied the normal statement is “why didn’t I do this sooner?”

As education has begun to increase so have the myths and lies that surround it, as the only true treatment for low testosterone is anabolic steroids; this should come as no surprise. Many men are so afraid of anabolic steroids they’ll do anything to avoid them even if it means convincing themselves of half-truths; as the old saying goes, it’s not a lie if you believe it but unfortunately it simply doesn’t work this way. In truth, to understand low testosterone and the treatment involved you need to understand anabolic steroids and when you understand them you’ll understand they are not medications in the common sense of the word but rather synthetic hormones identical to the ones you already produce; however, as you now suffer from low testosterone you now produce far less.

Low testosterone can affect a man negatively in a host of ways from ruining his physique, draining his energy, destroying his sexual performance or even desire to a host of other mental and physical problems. Many men often attribute this to age but it doesn’t have to be this way and in-fact, man was not intended to fall into this state; much of it is often brought on by us. While this remains true and taking care of one’s self will aid in keeping testosterone levels adequate many times that is not enough. There are things you can do to aid in remedy in a natural sense but if you truly suffer from low testosterone actual testosterone therapy is going to be the only course of true action.

We have taken some of the most common myths revolving around low testosterone and the treatment thereof and left you with only the truth. While you find there is still much more to learn hopefully you’ll find this to be a good starting point. Each and every myth discussed is taken right from some of the most popular message boards that deal in such discussion but it is here we will put some of these myths to rest.


If you suffer from true low testosterone brought on simply by age you can remedy the problem with diet and exercise.


It is true, exercise can increase testosterone levels and some foods have been shown to do the same; foods such as eggs and red meat are two very good foods for aiding in such a cause but the increase in testosterone from diet and exercise is so miniscule that for an individual suffering from low testosterone it’s hardly worth mentioning. If you suffer from low testosterone and desire a remedy the only remedy that will aid in your cause is true testosterone therapy.


Once you begin testosterone therapy and your levels return to normal you will eventually be able to discontinue therapy and remain at a stable level.


If you suffer from true low testosterone you will always suffer from low testosterone; if you are over the age of 40 this is guaranteed and in many cases those over 30 years of age will find the same to be true. However, while continuous lifelong therapy sounds very annoying isn’t it better than low testosterone; of course it is. Now there is an exception to this rule; an individual who has brought low testosterone upon himself due to years of anabolic steroid use may be able to stimulate natural testosterone production again to an adequate level and discontinue therapy once this is achieved; however, while possible it is unlikely. Any individual over the age of 40 will never be able to accomplish this and even a younger individual will have a very difficult time.


Low testosterone treatment plans are all the same as the hormone in each is simply that of testosterone.


Testosterone therapy can occur in many forms, from injectable and transdermal creams and patches and even subcutaneous pellets implanted under the skin. In the end it is true, with each form of therapy you are receiving the same testosterone hormone but the efficiency and effectiveness of each form varies greatly. Without question injectable testosterone is the most efficient and effective form of testosterone therapy, as through injections the needed testosterone is placed directly into the blood. While transdermal medications will absorb into the blood many men find difficulty in achieving proper levels with this form making it the least desirable of the four. If injections are not an option for whatever reason testosterone implant pellets are a fine choice and often all the testosterone an individual will need.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dangers of Steroid Abuse

All anabolic steroid use not prescribed by a licensed physician, is more properly defined as “steroid abuse”.  The reason for this is simple, “Steroids are very powerful hormones that can be extremely dangerous!”  They can cause a variety of health problems some of which can have lasting ramifications.  Although the twenty-three steroid related dangers listed below are not exhaustive, they certainly illustrate the risks and potentially harmful effects abusers face.

    Stunted growth.  Steroids can cause advancement and fusion of the epiphysis (growth plates in the bones).  As androgen levels rise it leads to bone age advancement.  When the bone plates are completely fused, growth is finished.  Furthermore, over-treatment with steroids can result in growth deceleration (slowing of the rate of growth).
     Increased risk of HIV and Hepatitis.  Because anabolic steroid users often do not have access to appropriate amounts of clean and sterile needles, or do not follow appropriate injection protocol, there is an increased risk of contracting HIV or other bloodborne pathogens.
    Increased risk of hair loss.  Anabolic steroids can convert to variants of Dihydrotestosterone, the recognized cause of premature hair loss.  In addition to contributing to loss, steroids can also expedite the process of male pattern baldness in predisposed users.
    Hypogonadism, the shrinking of testicles.  Because the body’s natural testosterone is no longer needed when anabolic steroids are administered, the body halts production of its own supply of testosterone results in a shrinking of the testicles.
    Increased risk of bodily hair growth.  This happens throughout the body, but not on the head, of both men and women.
    Elevated blood pressure.  Due to their ability to raise red blood cell count and Hematocrit levels, steroids can cause blood pressure to rise significantly.
    Increased amounts of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind).  This excess tends to remain on the cell walls causing conditions like atherosclerosis and heart disease.  An elevated LDL can generate a negative shift in triglycerides, which contribute to serious health problems.
    Lowered HDL cholesterol (the good kind).  HDL cholesterol is very dense, and actually helps to clear debris from arterial walls.  Lowering HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of coronary disease.
    Increased aggression.  Commonly referred to as “Roid Rage”, there is evidence that anabolic steroids contribute to increased aggressive behavior in some users.
    Addiction.  Although physical addiction to steroids is unlikely, the potential for psychological addiction is quite high.
    Enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart.  It has been well documented that coronary issues may result from the abuse of anabolic steroids, commonly beginning with the enlargement of the left ventricle.
    Liver toxicity. Orally administered anabolic steroids have been shown to increase the markers of liver function, and to cause liver toxicity.
    Edema (water retention). Elevated and imbalanced estrogen levels, coupled with increased sodium retention causes the user to retain water.
    Stroke.  Steroid use has been medically linked to an increased incidence of strokes.
    Steroids can lead to deathHeart attack.  Abusers of anabolic steroids face a variety of potential heart related complications, among which are an increased risk of heart attacks and the possibility of coronary disease.
    Prostate Enlargement.  Some steroids convert to Dihydrotestosterone and its variants, which can enlarge the prostate gland increasing the risk of urination problems and prostate cancer.
    Gynecomastia.  Certain steroids aromatize (convert to estrogen).  High levels of estrogen can cause the enlargement of mammary tissue in males, resulting in female-like breasts.
    Sexual dysfunction.  Some steroids directly cause a temporary of a loss of libido and sexual impotence.
    Infertility.  Some steroids cause a reduction in sperm count, resulting in decreased ability to reproduce.
    Deepening of the voice.  Although it occurs naturally in both men and women, steroid use can further deepen one’s voice.
    Clitoral hypertrophy.  Women who abuse steroids may experience an irreversible increase in clitoris size.
    Menstrual problems.  Female abusers may experience cycle irregularities, a hindrance or loss of menstruation, and further problems all of which contribute to a decline in reproductive ability.