
Monday, May 21, 2012

Preventive Measures Against Influenza

 Prepare healthy drink “80 berries”
Fill three liters of water into a pot, put 40 berries of brier and boil it on a very small fire for three hours. After this add necessary amount of water as it was in the beginning, put 20 berries and boil it again on a small fire for three hours. Add the rest of 20 berries, bring the amount of water to three liters and boil it for three hours again.

What is the effect?
In 9 hours  you will get a concentrate of multivitamin complex and other important micro and macro elements which may compete with tablet vitamins and strengthen protective powers of the body. Besides this, this beverage has a good diuretic effect which helps to quicker toxin release. A man may drink it in unlimited amounts.

People suffering from thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and heart failure should not drink this drink, because berries of brier increase blood coagulability.

Prepare Vitaminic Coffee
Mill berries of brier in coffee-grinder. Put them in a cup and fill it with boiling water. Let it infuse for 10 – 15 minutes.

What is the effect?
Due to small thermal processing in 100g of berries is kept 50 times more vitamin C than in 100g of lemon.

This drink is contraindicated to people who suffer from ulcer disease and gastritis because large amounts of vitamin C irritate stomach walls which leads to aggravation of inflammations.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Five Ways to Prevent Influenza Complications

1. Spend three days in bed
When a man diseased with influenza has just got rid of fever and at once continues to lead an ordinary lifestyle, his immunity becomes weaker because it was lowered when it fought with viruses. Thus  viruses continue to multiply. This circle may end up with myocarditis. Besides this, low immunity is perfect environment for bacteria development. Bacteria stayed quietly in the body while immunity inhibited them, now they would multiply which may lead to tonsillitis and bronchitis. Therefore, patient should spend at least first three days in bed.

2. Do not send the temperature of 38C down

Temperature is a sign showing that body fights viruses. It is critical when temperature is above 38.5 or if at the back of high temperature occur convulsions or blood pressure jumps. Then it is necessary immediately to call an ambulance.

3. Drink three liters of liquid
A man loses up to 2 liters of liquid daily, and a man with temperature loses 1,5 times more. A man consists 80% of water and it is necessary to fulfill liquid losses to let organs and system work correctly. However, if you suffer from kidney or heart failure, you should be careful with abundant drinking in order to avoid loads on kidneys and heart.

4. Airing

Do it at least several times a day,10 - 15 minutes each time. Besides this, make wet cleaning three times a day. Dry air overdries mucous which leads to local immunity lowering and thus recovery may be delayed.

5. Three days without meat

Human body needs a lot of energy to process proteins.Now body requires energy to fight influenza, therefore food must be liquid and vegetal, for example, mashed potatoes, vegetable soups, porridges, fruits. In order to avoid allergy, consume up to 5 oranges, 1/2 glass of wineberries and half of lemon.