
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Low Testosterone Myth and Truth

Low testosterone is a conditioned suffered by millions of men and while remedy is readily available the vast majority does little to nothing about it. In some cases it could be laziness but in most it’s simply a lack of education; when you don’t know or understand something the simplest thing in the world can be akin to trying to understand the most complicated aspects of human thought. Even so, while many men remain in the dark increasingly many more are coming into the light so to speak and doing something about their low testosterone problem; after all, it is a condition no man has to live with and once remedied the normal statement is “why didn’t I do this sooner?”

As education has begun to increase so have the myths and lies that surround it, as the only true treatment for low testosterone is anabolic steroids; this should come as no surprise. Many men are so afraid of anabolic steroids they’ll do anything to avoid them even if it means convincing themselves of half-truths; as the old saying goes, it’s not a lie if you believe it but unfortunately it simply doesn’t work this way. In truth, to understand low testosterone and the treatment involved you need to understand anabolic steroids and when you understand them you’ll understand they are not medications in the common sense of the word but rather synthetic hormones identical to the ones you already produce; however, as you now suffer from low testosterone you now produce far less.

Low testosterone can affect a man negatively in a host of ways from ruining his physique, draining his energy, destroying his sexual performance or even desire to a host of other mental and physical problems. Many men often attribute this to age but it doesn’t have to be this way and in-fact, man was not intended to fall into this state; much of it is often brought on by us. While this remains true and taking care of one’s self will aid in keeping testosterone levels adequate many times that is not enough. There are things you can do to aid in remedy in a natural sense but if you truly suffer from low testosterone actual testosterone therapy is going to be the only course of true action.

We have taken some of the most common myths revolving around low testosterone and the treatment thereof and left you with only the truth. While you find there is still much more to learn hopefully you’ll find this to be a good starting point. Each and every myth discussed is taken right from some of the most popular message boards that deal in such discussion but it is here we will put some of these myths to rest.

If you suffer from true low testosterone brought on simply by age you can remedy the problem with diet and exercise.

It is true, exercise can increase testosterone levels and some foods have been shown to do the same; foods such as eggs and red meat are two very good foods for aiding in such a cause but the increase in testosterone from diet and exercise is so miniscule that for an individual suffering from low testosterone it’s hardly worth mentioning. If you suffer from low testosterone and desire a remedy the only remedy that will aid in your cause is true testosterone therapy.

Once you begin testosterone therapy and your levels return to normal you will eventually be able to discontinue therapy and remain at a stable level.

If you suffer from true low testosterone you will always suffer from low testosterone; if you are over the age of 40 this is guaranteed and in many cases those over 30 years of age will find the same to be true. However, while continuous lifelong therapy sounds very annoying isn’t it better than low testosterone; of course it is. Now there is an exception to this rule; an individual who has brought low testosterone upon himself due to years of anabolic steroid use may be able to stimulate natural testosterone production again to an adequate level and discontinue therapy once this is achieved; however, while possible it is unlikely. Any individual over the age of 40 will never be able to accomplish this and even a younger individual will have a very difficult time.

Low testosterone treatment plans are all the same as the hormone in each is simply that of testosterone.

Testosterone therapy can occur in many forms, from injectable and transdermal creams and patches and even subcutaneous pellets implanted under the skin. In the end it is true, with each form of therapy you are receiving the same testosterone hormone but the efficiency and effectiveness of each form varies greatly. Without question injectable testosterone is the most efficient and effective form of testosterone therapy, as through injections the needed testosterone is placed directly into the blood. While transdermal medications will absorb into the blood many men find difficulty in achieving proper levels with this form making it the least desirable of the four. If injections are not an option for whatever reason testosterone implant pellets are a fine choice and often all the testosterone an individual will need.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Oral Turinabol (Chlordehydromethyltestosterone)

Oral Turinabol is one of those substances that has gained what I would call a 'quiet cult status' amongst bodybuilders. It was first developed by scientists in East Germany for use by their Olympic athletes. The success achieved by those athletes is testament to its effectiveness. The fact that it was used extensively for enhancing sports performance also meant that it was subject to many trials with documented results proving very impressive.

So what does Oral Turinabol have to offer that is so special?

Well it does provide good lean muscle gains and, although strength and muscle increases will not be as dramatic as with some other compounds, they will be less likely to be accompanied by water retention. This means that you are more likely to keep any gains made when coming off a cycle. In addition to this, Oral Turinabol does not create estrogen related side effects (e.g. gynecomastia) although it is 17-alpha alkylated which means it can be toxic to the liver so it is wise to use some form of liver support when on a cycle (e.g. Silymarin, Dandelion, NAC).

Oral Turinabol has been described as a derivative of Dianabol although it does have a much lower level of androgenic activity. Studies have revealed it to have anywhere from 0 - 6 in terms of androgenic effects and 53 for anabolic effects (based on a score of 100 each for testosterone). This means that it will not give you the bloated, puffy look often observed by those who use Dianabol. In fact, many users have compared it to Anavar in terms of results.


Negative side effects are rare with this substance and are usually the result of using cycles that are either too long or too high in dosage. The aforementioned risk of liver toxicity and a lowering of the clotting ability of the blood are the only things to really look out for. It has also been implicated as regards the lowering of natural testosterone levels, but once again this is generally dose related. There have been reports of women suffering more adverse side effects than men when using this substance, however these reactions occurred in women who were taking almost double the amount taken by their male counterparts, so of course they would get more side effects!


It has been recommended that men should take between 20-40mg every day and women 5-10mg/day. However, in real life terms male bodybuilders usually prefer an amount of 0.4mg per pound of bodyweight.
One of the many interesting things about Oral Turinabol is its ability to reduce SHBG's binding to other steroids, which leads to the freeing up of more testosterone in the body. For this reason many athletes find it a valuable accompaniment to any cycle - particularly those involving the use of testosterone. The fact that Oral Turinabol is not associated with aromatization (i.e. conversion to estrogen) also adds to its attractiveness.

All in all, when you consider the fact that it produces little in the way of troublesome side effects (when used in reasonable dosages) and produces a high quality gain in muscle mass over time, Oral Turinabol is definitely worth considering as part of an effective cycle. Even used on its own it will definitely produce a noticeable improvement in mass and strength. The gains will not be astounding but they will be more easily maintained since the improvements made on Oral Turinabol are not an illusion created by water weight.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

IGF-Long R3 - A Powerful Upgrade on IGF-1 that causes an Explosion of Muscles

Anybody who's into bodybuilding or research has probably heard of IGF-1, which stands for insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is a growth-promoting polypeptide that plays a key role in promoting muscle growth, development and healing.

Furthermore, it's also a major hormonal mediator that supports statural growth in children. I don't think too many children have subscribed to this newsletter, though, so we'll keep the bone-growth discussion to a minimum.

Under normal instances, growth hormone (GH) attaches itself to its receptors located in the liver and other tissues and rouses the synthesis of IGF-1. In target tissues, the Type 1 IGF receptor, which is homologous to the insulin receptor, gets triggered by IGF-1.

This action leads to intracellular signaling that goes ahead and promotes stimulation of a variety of process that all lead to muscular and/or statural growth (in children). IGF-1 metabolic actions are concentrated at motivating glucose, amino acids and fatty acids uptake; this cause of action helps the metabolism support tissue growth. Summing everything up here, IGF-1 is made in response to GH and helps the latter have a very positive effect on muscle and/or bone growth (in children).

Now we come to the peptide known as IGF-1 Long R3, which some researchers might not be so familiar with….

How do IGF-1 Long R3 and regular IGF-1 differ?

Normal IGF-1 consists of 70 amino acid chains and is structurally similar to insulin, hence the "insulin-like" part of the name. IGF-1 is an exceptional anabolic peptide that performs insulin-like actions such as transporting certain amino acids and glucose into the correct muscle cells, where they are proposed and turned into new muscle tissue.

IGF-1 Long R3 is a chemically altered version of IGF-1 that's designed to be more powerful. This peptide features 83 amino acid chains, with Arg(R) in place of Glu(E) at position three, which is where the "R3" comes from. The R3 allows this peptide to avoid binding to proteins, thus giving IGF-1 Long R3 a longer half life – usually over 20 hours, as opposed to IGF-1's half life of 20 minutes.

What you get with IGF LR3 is a long-acting, extremely potent peptide that works to increase muscle mass and make muscle tissue more sensitive to insulin, often producing a decrease in fat storage.

IGF-1 Long R3 Benefits:

    It gathers fat that is then used as energy in adipose tissue.
    Has the power to restore impaired tendons.
    Promotes and stimulates protein synthesis.
    Causes hyperplasia, which is in essence the upsurge of more muscle cells.
    Responsible for muscle mass building and stimulates/enhances fat loss.
    IGF-1 Long R3 transports nutrients straight into cells and muscles, thus further promoting maximum results.

IGF-1 Long R3 forms a great stabilizer that promotes cellular culture. The IGF-1 LR3 peptide easy adapts to numerous cell varieties and has quality effects that are essential for growth. The LR3 forms up a lasting analog of human IGF-1 that was created for mammalian cell culture that facilitates large-scale development of recombinant biopharmaceuticals.

The recombinant Human LR3 insulin, such as the Growth factor-1 which is generated from the E.Coli, serves as a solo non-glycosylated polypeptide chain that carries 83 amino acids and contains a molecular mass of 9.1 Da.

Long R3 IGF-1 is capable of performing a variety of functions such as:igf1

    Increasing RNA
    Increasing Protein Synthesis
    Promoting Fat Metabolism
    Promoting Sugar Transport
    Promoting efficacy of Nutrient Intake

Long R3 IGF-1 plays a positive role in the promotion of muscle tissue, plus it supports and multiplies nitrogen retention and augmented food conversion. It generally helps the body make use of nutrients in a more efficient manner.

The remarkable abilities of Long R3 IGF-1 are boosted by the addition of Growth Hormone (GH). As the body undergoes puberty, IGF oversees natural muscle growth that occurs during these years. There are a variety of things that get done by IGF in the human body.

Benefits of IGF-1 in General:

The most positive effects include the following: increased amino acid shuttling to cells, doubled glucose transportation, tripled protein synthesis, decreased protein deprivation and increased RNA synthesis.

When IGF-1 becomes active, it acts differently in separate tissue masses. When it comes to muscle cells, proteins and associated cell components become stimulated. Protein synthesis gets amplified alongside amino acid immersion.

When it comes to energy production, IGF-1 consolidates fats for use as energy in adipose tissue. When it comes to lean tissue, IGF-1 stops insulin from shuttling glucose across cell membranes. This move ensures that the cells are left with the option of burning off fat as a source of energy.

IGF-1 also takes up the role of insulin in the body. It helps muscles become rather sensitive to insulin's effects. This role has helped many insulin users minimize their insulin dosage by a specific margin; however, they attain the equivalent effects.

The most outstanding and interesting potent effect that IGF-1 has on the human body is its capability to cause cells to split (Hyperplasia). This process results in major muscle growth.

Friday, August 1, 2014

What Are The HGH Benefits

HGH Therapy is a controversial subject in the medical community. While some experts consider it to be the secret to a longer, more effective life, others consider it to be a fraud used to separate the unsuspecting from their hard earned money. But what are the facts?

HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is a chemical found naturally in the human body. This hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland, is most prevalent in our childhood and teenage years, and is responsible for initiating and controlling the growth process.
middle aged couple jogging

As we reach our twenties, however, the levels of HGH in our blood stream drop significantly and continue to decrease with each passing year. While this may not seem to be a problem, since growing is pretty much done, some researches noticed that this decrease in HGH in the blood stream coincided with the onset of many symptoms of aging, including:

    Loss of muscle mass and muscle tone
    Difficulty losing and controlling weight
    Lowered energy levels
    Reduced elasticity in the skin, a contributing factor in the formation of wrinkles
    Loss of sex drive and an increase in related disorders, including erectile dysfunction
    Loss of bone mass and the beginning of age related joint problems
    Decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system

The research determined that HGH levels directly affect the body even after the growth period is complete, and that this loss of HGH may be one of the single largest contributing factors in the aging process. The obvious answer, say the proponents of HGH therapy, is to increase the levels of Human Growth Hormone to where they were when we were teenagers.

    While taking doses of synthetic HGH are increasing in popularity, there are some issues with this option:
    Synthetic HGH can only be taken by injection
    It requires a prescription
    It is very expensive

Most people who are interested in HGH therapy, however, are looking into the HGH Supplements or releasers.

These formulations stimulate the pituitary gland and encourage it to produce more HGH. This is a natural solution to the problem of lowered HGH levels.
What can you expect with HGH supplements:

    While the FDA has not approved HGH supplements as an anti aging therapy, clinical studies and consumer reviews of the available products have shown positive results. Users of a good HGH supplement can expect:
    Increased sex drive accompanied by a noticeable improvement in sexual performance
    Increased energy levels and less problems with fatigue and listlessness
    Improvements in memory, vision, hearing and other related areas
    Better muscle tone, reduced wrinkles, and improvements in the appearance of the hair and skin
    Better sleep patterns resulting in a more restful and restorative night
    Less problems with mood swings and depression
    Easier time controlling your weight
    A better and more effective immune system
    Relief of many system issues, including enlarged organs
    Improvement in the Cardio/Pulmonary system
    Reduction in joint and muscle pain related to aging

How Long Does It Take To See Results From HGH?

    While Human Growth Hormone injection therapy can produce results very quickly, HGH supplements take time to produce a lasting and significant effect on your body chemistry. While most users see some benefits within the first few weeks, it can take up to six months for the full effect to be realized. While results will vary based on age, general health, and the precise formulation, the typical HGH supplement user can expect the following results:
    During the first month, you should feel an increase in energy levels as well as a more positive outlook on life. You will tend to sleep better and be better able to participate more effectively in normal activities.
    In the second month, the regenerative effects of higher HGH levels will begin to be seen. Your skin, hair and nails will improve. You will see better muscle tone. Losing weight will also become easier, and you should see a notable improvement in your sexual performance.
    In months three through five, you should see significant improvement in these same areas. For those trying to improve their body strength, the increase in lean muscle mass will be noticeable. Your libido will be returning to where it was in your teenage years and early twenties.
    You will also notice improvements in memory and the ability to concentrate.
    By the end of month six, you should have made great strides towards your ideal weight, your muscle tone will be much improved, and your energy levels will be at the highest they have been in years. You will also begin to see less obvious improvements in the area of your immune and, cardiopulmonary systems.
    Many will see a drop in cholesterol levels, the loss of cellulite, and in some cases the re growth of lost hair.

In recent years medical science has made tremendous advances in their ability to extend our lives. Organ replacement, surgical procedures, new medicines and diagnostic techniques have allowed doctors to treat what once was untreatable and cure that which doomed our parents and grandparents to an early grave. For many, Human Growth Hormone supplements have restored quality of life to these precious extra years.