With the onset of summer heat increases demand for air conditioners that save us from unbearable heat। People who spend all hot summer days indoors do especially count on air conditioners. However you should not forget that everything is not so simple. Air conditioner not only “ping-pongs” air and changes it from hot into chilly one, but also puts human body to a serious test because it is a kind of accumulator of various pathogenic bacteria.
In air conditioners get settled microbes including atypical germs. Are known cases of spreading of legionnaires disease (this is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called legionela which results in severe form of pneumonia) via conditioning system. Today specialists also talk about additional noise and vibration which do affect human vestibular system.
People with chronic diseases should be more careful with air conditioners. In people with such chronic diseases as sinusitis or chronic bronchitis, artificial chill and drop of temperature cause aggravation of chronic diseases. But in healthy people conditioner may cause mucous edema of chronic nature.
Fungi may be found in equipment when in the room is not performed qualitative cleaning. Animal dander and fluff from floor coating. If you have pets at home, their dander do obstruct conditioner. Conditioner in the kitchen accumulates fats.
Experts advice to clean conditioner regularly once a year in order to keep your family healthy. New conditioner must be cleaned for the first time in three years after starting its using. Then it must be cleaned once every year. Cleaning must be performed in winter.
However, it must be said that cleaning is not plaster for all sores. Specialists recommend to switch on “chillers” for 10 – 15 minutes before getting started - this reduces greatly concentration of bacteria in conditioner. You should not abuse chilling and should not use it without particular need. What is comfortable for you is not necessarily healthful. Such preventive measures as smearing nose with oxolinic ointment in this case do not work.
You should be very careful with your health in summer. If you and your co-workers frequently cough and feel bad then you should go to the doctor. Raised body temperature is a sign that in the respiratory organs occurs inflammation and you should pay serious attention at this sign. Temperature drops between street and office must be minumal.
For sure, when you cannot stand unbearable heat, you seek rooms with chill and forget about all precautionary measures. It is difficult to work with only thought about chilly place. Remember that here the talk is not just about stuffy nose, back pains, otitis, here also talk is about death.
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