
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


An individual, who with the advent of cold has began to cough not even once, is a happy man! Other individuals should find out the cause of his cough which may be a symptom of many different diseases. Every second individual is diagnosed with bronchitis. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic, and depending on its type doctor prescribes a particular treatment. Although phrase “acute bronchitis” sounds quite horrible, in fact, doctors fight it quite successfully.

Bronchitis shows itself with cough, temperature, muscle pains, joint pains, headaches and common discomfort. In other words, a virus has settled in your bronchus and caused their inflammation.

If you are already ill, main treatment is to remove acute symptoms such as temperature, pains, etc. You should help your body to fight the disease. It is necessary to stay in the bed for a week, gargle, drink hot drinks and take Vitamin C. It would be good to make inhalations with alcalinous mineral waters that may help wet to get removed. You should forget about inhalations with potato peels and oily solutions as they may harm your body.

Workaholics should forget about their job. Going seek at the job may result in bronchopneumonitis which should be treated not at home but at the hospital. If “creative resources” did not brought cough relief and did not removed temperature in three days then you should call for a doctor. Probably, the disease has passed into a new stage and it needs a special treatment.

This often happens when acute bronchitis provokes manifestation of chronic one which is caused not just by viruses but also by bacterias. It is wrong to think that chronic bronchitis is untreated acute bronchitis. In fact, chronic bronchitis is an independent disease caused by cigarette smoke, exhaust, industrial wastes that we inhale. If you inhale those wastes every day then natural sputum discharge is lowered. The mechanism of bronchus self-purification is broken and as a result the infection is doesn't mat any resistance and so bronchus are damaged.

An individual may live and not know about developing disease. The treatment of chronic bronchitis is very long and recovery half-way depends on the discipline of the patient. Patient has to constantly take different medications such as expectorants, antiinflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, and in some cases is used bronchus sputum removal with special devise – this method is called therapeutic bronchoscopy.

When chronic bronchitis it is important to make remedial gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, chest message. Do not think that if you have chronic bronchitis then mucosa disorders may be restored. For example, epithelium of smokers may be restored in 10 years. If the number of contagious recrudescence may be reduced annually, some medications may be called off. The disease itself will not disappear but several symptoms will be removed.

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