
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster is a disease resulting from the activation of the virus that stayed in the human body after chicken pox carried earlier. The disease is characterized with fever, general intoxication, pains and vesiculation along sensorial nerves,


With herpes zoster are diseased people in nervous system of which remains chicken pox virus for life. The disease usually affects older people.

How virus is activated?

Lowered with age immunity or severe diseases may activate chicken pox virus and causes nerves inflammation where the virus lives. Via sensorial nerves virus spreads into skin and mucus membranes where inflammation develops.


The disease starts acutely with increase of body temperature and full-blown burning pains, inch in spots of future rash. Pains appear on spots of affected nerves (often intercostal) and has one-way belting character. Sometimes pains become intolerable, they do increase when touching the skin, movements, cooling. In 3 – 4 days skin on pain spots becomes red and there appear groups with rare bladders filled with transparent liquid which soon becomes turbid. With appearing of cutaneous eruption, pains usually become less intense, but every second patient suffers from these pains for a month. In 3 – 5 days bladders dry up and turn into crusts.

The total duration of the disease is 7 – 10 days. However, in people with significantly lowered immunuty the disease courses more severe and long.

When in process get involved cranial nerves, pains and rash may appear on facial skin, mucus membranes of eyes and nose, earflap or acoustic meatus.


Almost in 10% of patients with herpes zoster pains in affected area last for more than one month. In some patients pains return back after one year of recovery.


The appearing of one-way vesiculation with pains along intercostal space helps to make the diagnosis.


It is necessary to start herpes zoster treatment after first disease manifestations (first days of rash appearing). All patients (especially people younger 20 years) must examine in order to find the reasons for immunity lowering.

Preventive measures

Healthy lifestyle.

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