
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Fight Summer Cold

It is considered that colds are winter problems. In fact, 20% cold-related diseases occur in summer months. To catch a cold in heat is not just an annoying confusion. Specialists say summer colds are more dangerous than winter ones because summer symptoms are not so manifestative. Many people do not pay attention to sore throat and running nose and therefore even do not try to treat them. So they feel sick for a longer time.

There exists another cause. Upper respiratory tract infections together with sore throat, cough, running nose, temperature increase are caused by parainfluenza viruses, coronaviruses and rhinoviruses. They circulate all the year round but in summer time enterovirus joins them and it shows with rash on skin and diarrhea. Enterovirus is transmitted not only via dirty hands but also via airborne. It means that risks to catch a virus in summer time even increases.

Why do we catch cold in summer?
1. Air-conditioner
Habitually we do escape from heat and prefer to stay in places with air-conditioners and ventilators, but namely they are major causes of colds. Permanently circulating air dries nasal mucosa that is a protective barrier against infections which makes viruses easily enter the body. Besides this, conditioned air is not only dry but also cold one and these are perfect conditions for virus replication.

Solution: do not do at home air colder than 21C. Ideally, the difference between air temperature in the house or office and outside must be not more than 5 – 7C.

2. Icy drinks
Sensation that icy drinks allay thirst is deceptive one. They do freshen up for a quite short time but for throat it is a real icy shock. Overchilled mucous loses its ability to fight viruses and bacteria. After ice cream and other diary products those effects are stronger than after icy juice or water.

Solution: do not drink beverages with ice. It would be better to eat slightly melted ice cream. It is necessary to drink beverages or eat cold food with small portions in order to let them warm in the month.

3. Journeys
In summer we do actively travel and microorganisms do travel with us. In hotels holidayer may face infections unknown before. There is a major risk to catch a virus in air plane. Restricted space of air plane together with very dry air is an ideal medium for disease transmission. It was proved that chance to catch a cold depends directly on duration of flight – the longer you fly, the higher the risks are.

do not admit mucous drying, use rewetting drops and sprays for nose, drink more water. In vacations use antibacterial wet wipes. Remember that easiest way to catch cold is after flight during period of acclimatization. Those who like to spend time under the sun should know that the excess of solar radiation lowers the immunity.

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