
Friday, January 25, 2013

Epidemic of obesity in the world can be prevented by limiting the use of sugar

Reducing consumption of sugar has a small but significant effect on body weight adults, according to a study published in the latest issue of British Medical Journal. An effect that could be achieved if the human race time limit sugar intake, it would be enough to stop the global epidemic of obesity - the expert concludes.

Although the benefits from the use of this technique is relatively small (on average, while reducing the consumption of sugar a person will lose 800 grams per year), the results once again allow scientists say that the share of sugar should account for no more than 10% of total energy consumed in the diet.

Excessive amount of sugar in the human diet is associated not only with obesity - it can also lead to the emergence of a higher risk of chronic diseases. In numerous studies recently conducted the relationship between excessive consumption of sugary soft drinks, which always contains a fraction of a horse sugar and the risk of obesity.

As part of the scientific research on the subject, the research team from the University of Otago in New Zealand analysed the results of 71 studies (30 randomised controlled trials and 41 retrospective studies), which traced the relationship between sugar intake and the level of body weight in adults.

As a result, it was found that the decline in consumption of sugar allows other things being equal gradually reduce body weight. In this case, a person can lose weight by 0.8 kg (in the trials that took over 8 months), while even a slight excess of the allowed rate led to the fact that the person gained 0.75 kg of fat mass in the same period of time.

These effects are associated with the features of human metabolism. Our body needs a certain amount of energy or calories, but when we get energy from the sugar, the body is able to delay it as fat reserves. The highest rates of obesity, the study showed not the people that are extracted from sugar confectionery products, and those that have paid too much attention to the sweet soft drinks. According to the findings of researchers is already developing adult obesity by about 40% of this is exactly the kind of product.

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