Viruses are smallest microorganisms which cause infectious diseases. Viruses multiply only in live cells. How does this occur? Virus makes the cell it intends to enter produce special virus-alike molecules which form new virus particules which spread to neighbored healthy cells.
The number of viruses increases, gradually they capture more and more cells which leads to disease appearing. Each of body organs may be affected by viruses, thus each vurus disease has its own symptoms and signs. However, all viruses are intracellular pathogens and therefore all methods of treatment of diseases they cause are inefficient. Antibiotics are ineffective in case of viral infection, it means that the duration of disease and its severity depend on organism ability to fight the virus.
One of most seroius methods is prevention of serious virus diseases with the help of vaccination. Most popular classification of viruses is based on their correlation with diseases they cause, for example, viruses that cause such diseases as smallpox, measles, rubella and chickenpox. These diseases spred via blood through whole body very rapidly, and may affect at once several organs including skin (rash).
Other viruses affect only particular organs. For example, viruses of poliomyelitis and rabies damage nervous system. Influenza viruses affect respiratory system, viruses of hepatitis A and B affect liver work. However, this classification is not quite reliable because one and the same virus may damage various organs. For example, herpes catarrhalis may affect lips skin, genitalia or even nervous system. Therefore, today viruses do classify according to their size, shape, structure and mode of reproduction.
Though antibiotics are ineffective to fight viruses, however, there are medications which help to do it. Remember that prevention is the best way to fight virus diseases – try to avoid them, protect yourself and your children from them. Vaccination prevents from entering of particular viruses in the body.
All the microbes like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, etc are harmful for the human body. We should kill them by having parasites cleanse at-least once a year by using Hulda Clark Zapper by ParaZapper. I think today this is best possible way to get rid of them completely by using ParaZapper, and research also prove this.