Biologically active supplements are divided into two groups:
1) nutraceuticals – biologically active foods supplements (BAFS) used to regulate chemical composition of food of a man. These are additional sourse of protein, aminoacids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances, dietary fibers.
2) parapharmaceuticals – biologically active food supplements used as a preventive measure, adjunct therapy, and also to maintain functioning of organs and body systems.
Among biologically active supplements most healthy for the immune system are pectins (apple, plum, currant, beet, eatberry) and algae (among algae first place occupies spirulina with its anti-allergic and immune-stimulating properties).
Insufficient consumption of pure water results in frequent colds and contagious diseases, thrombus formation, lymph congestion, tenderness of vascular walls, bladder diseases. Reduction of water in the body aggravates normal work of kidneys and as a result part of its work is made by liver (liver splits fats into useful energy and makes this 100% if not takes work of kidneys). When we drink sufficient amount of water, it makes work much better both kidneys and liver which regulates immune system work.
Antibiotic substances in food
Some foods have antibacterial properties which helps them kill disease causing microbes. These are non-specific antiinfection agents (organic acids such as winy, lemony, apple). Acerbic tanning substances of plums and apples also kill microbes. Raspberry, currant, apple, wineberry, ashberry, cranberry, pear, berbery, pomegranate, and also foods rich with phytoncides (horseradish, radish, garlic, onion, beet, cabbage, carrot, paprika) are perfect natural antibiotics.
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