Vitamins of B group help to activate work of immune system during stress, after surgery or trauma. Taking multivitamin preparations containing vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 helps to prevent virus diseases. Vitamin B6 stimulates synthesis of nucleic acids required for lymphocytes maturation and antibodies production to fight infection, and also vitamin B6 increases antibodies action against several cancerous growths. Deficiency of vitamin B6 occurs in cases of treatment of tuberculosis with isoniaside. Lowering of antibodies production may be caused by deficiency of vitamin A, B5 (pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid), H (biotin). Vitamin B6 deficiency reduces the ability of neutrophiles to digest and kill bacteria.
Multivitamin preparations
Multivitamins play an important role in prevention of influenza and URI in period of higher illness frequency. Taking multivitamins helps to avoid diseases, keep body healthy and boost immunity. You should pay a serious attention to multivitamin preparation you choose. Multivitamin preparations are recommended to take as a preventive measure against virus diseases, especially they are recommended to children in spring when immunity is weakened after winter.
Specialists do recommend to take multivitamin preparations which contain whole spectrum of essential vitamins. They must be of hight quality and dosages must be well balanced. This will be a guarantee of effectiveness and safety of the multivitamin preparation. High quality and optimal dosages of vitamins help to reduce significantly risks for allergic reactions which unfortunately occur frequently today and make it possible to undergo preventive course entirely.
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