Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases lymphocites number, movements and activity of neutrophilic leucocytes, increases production of interferon, a substance which has antiviral properties. Vitamin C stimulates macrophages, which makes them increase production of highly active forms and compounds of oxygen thus strengthening anticancerous immunity. It is supposed that at least part of immune-stimulating effects of ascorbic acid are connected with its antioxidant properties.
Under the influence of Vitamin C occurs the increase of body ability to recognize proper and foreign cells which is extremely important in older age when frequency of immunodeficient diseases with age increases dramatically. Therefore ascorbic acid is important medical product for older people with immune deficiency conditions. Other cases when ascorbic acid is prescribed:
- when person was subjected to ionizing radiation and exhausting physical load
- persons after severe surgical interventions, who got in their body an increased intensity of free-radical reactions which resulted in increased risks for development of destructive processes, cancerous growths, viral and bacteria infections.
In this case ascorbic acid is recommended as an immune-stimulant. Dozes of 100 – 300mgs (4 – 5 admissions) of ascorbic acid daily help to reduce the intensity of pathologic processes and prevent from infections. To protect from ionizing radiation the doze of ascorbic acid must be not less than 1g daily (5 admissions).
Commonly ascorbic acid is recommended in cases of increased risks for infectious diseases development. In this case ascorbic acid is admitted after food intake 0,025 – 0,05g three times daily. In a different scheme is recommended to take 0.4 g (4 admissions daily) in first four days, 0.3g daily in next three days and then 0.1g daily in next 6 – 8 days.
Normally human needs 70 – 100mg of Vitamin C daily. Products rich with ascorbic acid are black currant, cabbage, lemons, oranges, lettuces, peppers, tomatoes, turnip greens, rosehips. When you consume these products, remember that heating, contact with metal, freezing and defrosting reduce vitamin C rate in products from 30 to 70%. Moreover, when you smoke one cigarette your body loses 0,025g of vitamin C.
In viral and bacteria diseases also gets activated run-off of vitamin C, therefore it is recommended to consume it in form of tablets. Remember, that your body never accumulates vitamin C, and you should consume products with this vitamin regularly, or at least you should take it in form of tablets.
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